Thursday, December 23, 2010

Week 3

I'm confused.  I guess it's week 3 because it's my 3rd weigh in (if you count my first one) and I'm starting my 3rd week on the plan.  Whatever.  But since my last post was week 2 I guess this is week 3.  Enough of that.  Down 2 more pounds for a total of 4.  Nice and steady.  I would be happy for that to continue and to see some physical results.  I need to get to the store because I'm running out of fruit.

Last night I woke up after having a bad dream.  I hate having these dreams where my husband is cheating on me, leaving me or is in love with someone else.  Is this a sign of insecurity?

I have finished all of my christmas knitting so now I need to start finishing all of my unfinished projects, and I have plenty of them.  I'm close to being done with my February Lady Sweater that I started close to 2 years ago.  If I sat down with one thing at a time I'd have a good chance at finishing something in a good amount of time but I can't seem to do that.  Now that I'm done with my gift knitting I want to start spinning again too.  anything to not finish projects.

"Our own life has to be our message."

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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