Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oh yeah, it's been a while.  Since I last wrote I quit  my crappy job and started a better one where I don't cry nearly every day.  In fact I have an off day maybe once every few weeks.  And I've been there almost as long as I was at the other job.

I lost 30 # and made lifetime at weight watchers.

I started hating my car.  I loved that thing when I got it.  Black, sporty, fin, leather interior, sun roof, Cd changer MP 3 player, auto everything.  We, over the last 6 years it's gotten old; of course.  I had the brakes replaced a couple years ago and they squeak.  We took it to a brake shop and they said they don't touch my kind  of car because the brakes just squeak.  So we took it to the dealer and there was nothing wrong with it.  Then a few months ago it started making a weird noise and needed a new CV joint.  I took it to an auto mechanic I sound on Craigslist.  I would advise against this, even though it saved me $150.  On Monday it was making a noise like it had  a flat tire but it didn't.  I couldn't drive around two counties all day long like that so I took it home and took Tom's truck.  He drove my car the next day and asked about my brakes being soft.  He checked the brake fluid and it was low so he filled it.  The next day the brakes weren't working well again so he checked the brake fluid again and it was low again.  The next day he took the front tire off and the brake line had been rubbing against the tire and broke.  Great.  So we drove it, carefully, to the dealership that night.  The next day they called us with our $550 estimate.  I went in and asked why it cost so much to fix a brake line.  So they took me in to see the car.  When the Craigslist guy fixed it he didn't put the brake line back, he broke the strut, so they have to replace all of that, plus the $1,000,000 an hour for labor.  Great.  Should have just taken it to the dealer in the first place.  We may have paid $300 instead of $700.

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