The past couple weeks have been tough! There was Valentine's Day, then Tom's birthday, then my birthday - all of them with some sort of food related celebration. Then last weekend we went out with some guys that Toms works with. That involved dinner. I have to eat gluten free and at most restaurants that means a salad or a burger without a bun. Salads are not always the best option, either, with some of the stuff they pack on. Let's add to this that I haven't been tracking well for the last couple weeks. So I go to weigh in and I am not surprised to find out that I have gained 1.4 pounds. Wow. I felt fat! So I am back on track with paying closer attention to what I am putting in my mouth and tracking. Already I am feeling better. One thing that is tough is my new job. There is no really good structured schedule to schedule meals and snacks around. I'm also at the mercy of the nurse I am working with that day, but I am making it work.
Speaking of working, I am loving my new job! It's great and I really enjoy it there and the people are wonderful! I can't wait until I start doing more and I'm on my own. I can already tell I'm going to be busy!
Well, I thought I'd end with a couple pictures.
this is me (and my husband) last summer, a few months before starting weight watchers |
this is me today, 3 months into weight watchers and about a 12 pound weight loss (yes, I did take the picture in the bathroom) |
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