Thursday, February 24, 2011

my birthday meltdown

I had a birthday; maybe a significant one, maybe not.  I turned 39.  I spent the day before, the day of and the day after crying.  I couldn't stop.  I decided to see my psychiatrist.  He told me that it is normal to reevaluate your life on your birthday, and right now I feel like my life sucks.  He also told me that my seretonin levels are probably low, which is causing me to cry all the time and hibernate.  None of the meds I'm on effect my seretonin so he started me on a low dose of Prozac.  Funny, I've never been on that one before.  I know there is a lot going on in my life that meds can't fix and I hope things start getting better soon.   Since I quit my job I am feeling better, so that has helped.  I start my new job on Monday and I am nervous about that.  I have a few days to myself and I need to use those days to do things I want to do and take care of myself.

I did not go to Weight Watchers last week.  We had valentine's day, Tom's birthday, then my birthday in the last two weeks.  We did a lot of celebrating, which meant a lot of drinking and eating.  I didn't do any tracking yet I tried to stick with my plan when I wasn't splurging.  So today I weighed in and I have lost another 1.2 pounds for a total of 13 pounds.  For whatever reason, I thought that I could reach my 10% goal by next week.  I don't think that will happen. Maybe in 2-3 weeks.  Clothes are still getting bigger, so that is a good feeling.  My husband is finding me more attractive (not that he didn't find me attractive before, he says) and I like that, too.  I have 15 more pounds I want to lose.  I don't know why; that's just a number.  Let's just see where it goes.

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