It's 4:00 AM. I woke up at about 3:15. I had to get something to drink. When I tried to go back to bed Sam wouldn't go back in the bedroom. He kept going to the front door. So I had to take him outside to go to the bathroom. Now I'm up. I have to say my headache is mostly gone. After taking my max 3 doses of Frova and then having it come on even worse, I called to find out if I could also take Exedrin Migraine, so I took a couple of those. I feel much better now. Maybe I'll start with that next time.

So, now I'm up. I wish Tom would get up with me. But he didn't spend most of yesterday trying to sleep; he worked. I'm going to charge my iPod because I listened to it while I slept (I wonder if you can absorb any information that way) and I'm going to listen to my audio book now and maybe do some knitting. I got two free audio books and a free month trial with I was wanting an audio book for the book I'm currently reading, Dalai Lama's "How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life". I thought I could listen to it while I knit instead of having to decide between knitting and reading (what a tough decision, huh?) So I was looking online for a copy of the book I could download and this was the best option. You get the book you download plus one free credit with a free month trial and I guess I'll see if I want to keep doing it after that. You get on credit every month. Plus I think you get the New York times everyday. I only want the crossword but I don't think that sounds very good.
I was going to work on finishing my unfinished projects but my mom wanted a hat. She loved the hat I made my dad for christmas but definitely needed it in a different color. Then I thought I could make her a prettier one. I'm making her the Cayuga Hat. It's very pretty and I'm using a raspberry color. The band is what is taking the most time.
I'm also working on the Central Park Hoodie I started a little over a year ago. I thought my gauge was right, but when I started knitting the sweater is was way off. I got about 10 inches of the back done and looked at it and thought "this looks way too small". So it will end up being 10 inches too small for me. I don't care how much weight I lose, I don't think that will ever fit. So instead of ripping it and starting all over, I'm going to finish it and give it to one of my gorgeous friends at work.
Now I'm sitting here listening to the snow and my Dharma Cowbell (that my parents got me) chiming outside.
It's a good early morning and I'll be ready to go back to work.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."
~The Buddha
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