Monday, December 13, 2010

updates, updates, updates

I'm up late and unable to fall asleep, as usual, so I thought I'd make an update.  A lot has happened in the last year.  I'll skip a lot of the details.

Tom changed jobs and I was really sick missing a lot of work over the summer.  Our house was already on the market.  With all of the medical bills and the missed work, after a while we couldn't make ends meet.  We are now in the process of a short sale and hope that will be done soon.  The up side is we no longer have a 50-mile round trip commute for work and that saves us about $400 a month in gas.

We moved and downsized to a 2 bedroom apartment and really like it here.  We had to get rid of one of our dogs when we moved in because of problems we had the first day.  He was my baby.  After that Sam was having separation anxiety and would bark the whole time we were gone at work - which wasn't too long.  We talked to the vet and got him a citronella color and some antidepressants.  He only had to wear the collar for a couple weeks and after several weeks on the medication he is being weaned off of it.  He's doing great.

I've been taking Sam for walks (although I've slacked the last couple weeks) and recently walked a 5K with my sister.  It was so much fun that I plan on doing more.  We are going to do one in March, hopefully another in April.  May 1 is the Colorado Marathon.  I'm hoping to be ready to do a 10K by then, and maybe be running by then as well.  It was so rewarding to just do it and finish.  We came in 185 and 186 out of approximately 400 (or less) walkers.

I also started Weight Watchers (again) last week.  I am confident that with my activity I will stay motivated to stick with the plan and get to and stay at my goal.  Hopefully blogging will help, too.

Of course I'm still knitting and I'm knitting furiously to get gifts finished in the next 2 weeks.  After that my goal will be to finish all of the projects I've started.  No starting new projects.  I'll keep you up to date.

"Because you are alive, everything is possible."

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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