Can life be anymore stressful?
I took Seth (my ferret) to the vet today because I noticed he is losing hair and he has lots of little scabs on his back from scratching/biting. He also has been drinking a lot and urinating a lot over the last several months as well as straining to urinate. I thought he probably has an adrenal tumor; most ferrets get them. He's 8 years old, so I'm not planning on putting him through anything if that's the case. Come on, he's elderly. But at the same time I'm thinking maybe they're little bites from mites or something. So I get to the vet and have to wait a LONG time. When I do see the vet she says he probably does have ear mites (again) but his other symptoms - including the hair loss and scratching - are consistent with adrenal gland tumors. She did an exam and felt a pretty good size growth in the left side of his abdomen. More than likely that is what's going on but the only way to confirm it is to do an ultrasound. i can't afford $130 for an ultrasound, to confirm a tumor that I'm not going to treat, on my 8-year old ferret. If we confirm the tumor, the only effective treatment is surgery, which I am not going to do. The average life span for ferrets is 9-10 years. So we gave him some medicine to treat mites and will see how he does with that. He's happy right now. I will let him live his life and if he becomes unhappy, I will go from there.
I am explaining this to my husband who freaks out and says "we are not going to do surgery on a 6 year old ferret!" I said "He's 8 and I said we aren't going to do surgery." He doesn't listen to me. I'm sick of him not listening to me. Fuck! He's so pissy and irritable. I just can't stand to be around him anymore. He says we're broke. Why? Well, maybe it has to do with how much money we spend on gas. I have to fill up about every 4 days. It's fucking ridiculous. He's also convinced we won't sell our house. I love his positive attitude. We just reduced the price of our house again. We need to sell it. I can't handle my husband being so miserable.
Some days I regret taking this job. I love my new job but the commute fucking sucks. Paying 4 fucking dollars a gallon for gas is unfuckingbelievable. I get about 30 miles to the gallon. It's 38 miles each way when I go to work. tom drives a Ford Ranger. He fills up about every 5 days; I'm not sure how much he pays. I put about $45 -$50 in my gas tank every 4 days. If I hadn't taken this job we wouldn't be going through this right now. we wouldn't be trying to sell our house.
I finished my Big Bad Baby Blanket and I'm working on my afghan square for the swap. Soon I'll need to start on Christmas presents!
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