After breakfast we set up the pool in the back yard and the 2 kids from next door came over. Everyone had a good time playing in the pool, then we all had lunch together. If the girls didn't pass out after they left, something must be wrong. I did. For whatever reason, Patrick is still out there riding his bike and going like the Energizer bunny!
I really want to do some spinning. I don't know where to start, though, and I need to finish (one of) the sweater(s) I started. I have so much to spin and I was thinking about things to do with my Phat Fiber samples. Urr. I need more days off so I can spin and knit.
It's been a good day.
Oh crap. I heard Tom say we were going to the drive-in tonight. I forgot all about that! Good thing I took a nap after everyone left!