I don't know why but I seem to be ultra-sensitive, overly emotional lately. Maybe it's hormones. Maybe it's stress from the accident setting in. I have no idea. Little things (maybe they are little) are getting to me. I think a lot about things that probably aren't a big deal.
Last night was a sad night at work. What could be considered a "typical" night, but a little on the more sad than usual side. I cried on the way home. Then I thought, for the first time, "can I really hack it?" I love my job. I'm good at my job. But I can't get emotional every night.
I am worried about my knitting projects. Crazy, right? I usually have a few going at once because I get bored. Let's just pretend that each project would take a week to get done. If I have 4 projects going at once, it would take about 4 weeks to get each one done, right? If I did them one at a time it would take one week to get each one done. Much faster. Why can't I do that? And of course not all projects are going to take a week to finish. Eh. I'm working on a sweater that I need to get done - or mostly done - for class by Monday. I already screwed up the lace pattern, so I'm taking out the first row of it. Not helping any. And I have 2 pairs of socks going and another one I want to start. What else? Oh, another sweater I started a year ago. I have yarn for two other - no, 3 other - sweaters. See, if I just finished them, I'd get them done faster than messing with one for a while, then the other for a while, then one for a while. Can I change my ways?
Is it normal to be pretty much a loner? Probably not. I'm not very good at keeping friends, or they aren't very good at keeping me. However that goes. I've gotten to the point where I don't care very much anymore. If you aren't going to try to keep in touch with me, I'm not going to spend my time trying and trying to stay in touch with you. Why? If you don't value our relationship enough to put as much into it as I am, then it must not be that important.
The dogs barking all the freaking time is driving me up the freaking wall! I love them to death, but do they have to bark at every little noise! When someone breaks in, then bark!
Tom bought me a drop spindle for our anniversary. It came with 2 small chunks of roving and a lot of this beautiful emerald green roving. I'm too afraid to touch it because I'm just sure I'll screw it up.
OK, this concludes my negative blog for the day. Thanks for reading all the way through, if you could handle it!